Thursday, June 5, 2014


Official Logo
Date of Observation: 5th June
Run by: UNEP
Year of Inception: 1973
Host Country (2014): Barbados (
Official Slogan (2014): Raise your Voice, not the Sea Level

World Environment Day is celebrated in order to cause awareness for protection of Mother Nature. Most of the common people like us are aware about the environment day but usually lack the knowledge about its special agenda every year. This year the focus is on the small developing countries which are under the danger from even slight increase in sea levels. The environment day aims at making people aware regarding out duty towards the planet by trying to lower down the rate of global warming.

Writing about global warming, the facts that have come into light are that these small Island Developing states having an overall population of about 63 millions, emit just 1% of greenhouse gases. Even when they are not guilty the consequences threaten them with a constant fear in their lives. The major responsibility lies on the shoulders of US, China and EU which emit a whopping 90% of carbon dioxide and other climate affecting gases. They are currently planning on strategies to reduce the emissions and make the islands secure.

India this year has topped the list of 5 most polluted countries along with Bangladesh, Pakistan, Iraq and Qatar. Our capital city has been recorded having the worst air conditions in the entire world which have made even the sky line invisible. Many of us are well aware about the ill effects of pollution on health. Although the countries need to plan out remedies on a national level there are some steps that we can take on a personal level to improve the deteriorating conditions of the environment.

We can do the following things and encourage others to do the same:

  • Reduce, Reuse and Recycling of waste material. By just recycling we can save 1088 kg of CO2 gas annually.
  • Use less of Heat and Air conditioning saves around another 1000 kg of pollution. This can be achieved by insulation of walls of our homes and also keeping the temperatures moderate also helps.
  • Use CFLs which reduce 70% heat emission. There's a new technology in markets as well i.e. the LED lights which claim even lower electricity consumption.
  • Drive minimal and choose your vehicles wisely having better fuel efficiency. We can also adopt the car pooling practice (sharing of vehicles when the destination is same). Also check that the tires of the vehicle should be properly inflated as it results in better mileage.
  • These days almost all appliances come with various energy efficiency levels usually indicated by star ratings. Invest in such products as they would reduce your electricity bills.
  • Avoid using the plastics which cannot be recycled, instead carry paper or cloth/canvas bags for shopping. Don't buy items with lots of packaging.
  • Minimize the use of hot water in summers or if not required for bathing or washing. Prefer to use warm water and remember to turn off taps while brushing and doing other chores.
  • Appliances such as microwaves, televisions, computers, DVD players, etc. should be switched off when not in use. Even when these electronic items are not in use energy is being wasted. Switching off would ensure longer life of your appliances.
  • Plant as much as trees or plants that you can in your house/locality. More trees, more oxygen.
  • Do not litter garbage on roads and beaches. Help in cleanup drives or take initiative to organize such events.
  • Even eating less of meat and more organic foods reduces methane release in air which is also a harmful greenhouse gas. Frozen food consumption should be lowered down. 
  • While doing all the above things it is best to encourage others to follow the same, right from family to friends and neighbours.

Every citizen should make it his/her moral duty to clean up their cities/localities as much as we can. Our new PM has tweeted  "Along with government efforts, people's participation can make a big difference in creating a cleaner and greener planet." Lets take a pledge to cleaning and breathing healthy on this world environment day. Next year India would host this day with the slogan 'One World, One Environment'.

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