Thursday, April 10, 2014

VOTE for a CHANGE :)

Voting is our fundamental right which should be exercised by every citizen who is above 18 years. I GAVE my vote for the first time ever today with the expectations, that things will certainly change. UNITY IS STRENGTH and this is the best time to bring about a revolution that we have been waiting for, since last 5 years. I won't say who should you give vote for, because for every individual the definition of  RIGHT is different. Many people say that a certain party X gives more benefits to Governmental Employees where as another set of individuals think that the party Y is more helpful towards the Businessmen. There might be some more people who have an opinion that the party Z is of, by and for the Commoners, and even after this, few people are still left who think that the PARTIES A, B,C etc have their relatives in it so they should vote for them.

The main purpose of Voting is to bring such a candidate in power who is capable, qualified and motivated towards the general good of people. A nation will grow only if, all the sections of the society, are equally progressing. It is not the time to be selfish, biased and vote for CORRUPT POLITICIANS just because they will fill your individual pockets with money. There is another important point about the elections this time i.e. NOTA button. In case you feel dissatisfied that not even a single candidate should come in power, than this is the BUTTON on the electronic voting machine(EVM) for YOU. Your negative vote will also count in these elections.

So, its a HUMBLE request to everyone that PLEASE don't sit at home for any reason, and go out to CAST your PRECIOUS vote, because every VOTE counts........

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